06.008.0021 Project Week: US/S Gender Studies

Course offering details

Event type: Project seminar

Displayed in timetable as: 06.008.0021

Credits: 6,0

Language of instruction: German

Min. | Max. participants: - | 45

Priority scheme: Senatsrichtlinie zzgl. Bevorzugung höherer Fachsemester

Requirements / organisational issues:
Instructor: Dimitrios Kapnas

We start on 12.06. at 9:40 a.m. in presence in N.105.
The course will include group work and self-learning. Exact attendance times will be adjusted and determined during the week.

In this seminar, the various forms of gendering will be introduced, the potential for conflict will be discussed in terms of acceptability and comprehensibility, and empirical research will be conducted in group work. The following research questions will be addressed: How are gender constructions perceived and processed? How acceptable are these textualization strategies, how comprehensible are they?
Methodologically, we will use eye tracking to test the readability of the texts (e.g. in relation to the asterisk). In addition, questionnaire-based methods will be used to explore acceptability and comprehensibility in the population. At the end of the project week, there will be a student conference where we will present our research findings. A written term paper is required to pass the course.

Recommended reading list:
- Kotthoff, Helga/Nübling, Damaris (2018): Genderlinguistik. Eine Einführung in Sprache, Gespräch und Geschlecht. Tübingen: Narr Francke Attempto Verlag.
- Nübling, Damaris (2020): Genus und Geschlecht. Zum Zusammenhang von grammati-scher, biologischer und sozialer Kategorisierung. Mainz: Akademie der Wissen-schaften und der Literatur.
- Olderdissen, Christine (2021): Genderleicht: Wie Sprache für alle elegant klingt. Berlin: Duden.
- Diewald, Gabriele/Steinhauer, Anja (2017): Richtig gendern. Wie Sie angemessen und verständlich schreiben. Berlin: Duden.
- Diewald, Gabriele/Steinhauer, Anja (2020): Handbuch geschlechtergerechte Sprache. Berlin: Duden.
- Elsen, Hilke (2020): Gender – Sprache – Stereotype. Geschlechtersensibilität in Alltag und Unterricht. Tübingen: Narr Francke Attempto Verlag.
- Fletcher, William H. (2012): „Corpus Analysis of the World Wide Web”. In: Chapelle, Carol A. (Hg.): The encyclopedia of applied linguistics. Oxford: Blackwell. S. 1339 – 1347.
- Goffman, Erving (1977): “The Arrangement between the Sexes” In: Theory and Society 4/3. S. 301 – 331.

Date From To Room
1 Mon, 27. Nov. 2023 09:00 16:00 N.103 Hörsaal
2 Tue, 28. Nov. 2023 09:00 16:00 N.103 Hörsaal
3 Wed, 29. Nov. 2023 09:00 16:00 N.103 Hörsaal
4 Th, 30. Nov. 2023 09:00 16:00 N.103 Hörsaal
5 Fri, 1. Dec. 2023 09:00 16:00 N.103 Hörsaal
Class session overview
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