06.880.0660 Project week: PC Exercises in (translation) style (with English-language source text)

Course offering details

Instructors: Thomas Kempa

Event type: hybrid: Practice class

Displayed in timetable as: 06.880.0660

Hours per week: 2

Credits: 6,0

Language of instruction: German

Min. | Max. participants: - | 45

Requirements / organisational issues:
The course will take place during the project week. Four course days are planned, two of them online, two in presence.

In the first weeks of the semester, there will be a mandatory preliminary meeting (a hybrid format is planned), to which participants will be invited after registering for the course (appointments will be made using an appointment tool).

Compulsory attendance:
Since this is a practical language exercise that can only be adequately accomplished if students incorporate class discussions and explanations into their work, it is indispensible to attend class.

The course is located in the field of literary and media translation. It is open to all students - including those in the BA - with a very good knowledge of German, primarily to students whose native language is German. Secondarily, students majoring in German (or other non-native speakers) who focus on improving vocabulary may also participate.

Learning Objectives:

- Identify rhetorical-stylistic and humorous elements in the text and implement them in the translation;

- Improvement of one's own stylistic confidence and awareness of translator's German;

- Identifying translation errors (or differences with the source text).

Keywords: stylistics and its improvement, evaluation and editing of translations, humor translation, translation of puns.

Procedure: In plenary, exemplary texts are analyzed for problems and discussed. Then the work is continued in small groups and discussed in plenary in between. An important tool is reading aloud (identifying the text voices or the mood of the text [loosely based on r. kohlmayer]) and dealing with the linguistic rhythm of the texts, which requires close comparative reading of the source and target texts. Students identify stylistically and contextually questionable passages based on their native language intuition and suggest changes for unsatisfactory solutions. (Slight changes in content are reserved).

Note: In the preliminary discussion at the beginning of the semester, it will be decided which text will be treated in the course. (Exemplary authors to be mentioned would be: J.K. Rowling [harry potter vol. 1], Terry Pratchett [the colour of magic]; Ben Aaronovitch [rivers of london]; Kenneth Grahame [the wind in the willows {new trans.}] and others, subject to change).

The course will be partly online (12-13/06 and partly face-to-face (15-16/06). The 14.06. is break and preparation day.

Recommended reading list:
Kohlmayer, Rainer (2004): "Literarisches Überetzen: Die Stimme im Text", in Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (2004): Germanistentreffen Deutschland - Italien 8. - 12.10.2003: Dokumentation der Tagungsbeiträge [red. werner roggausch], DAAD: Bonn, S 465 -  486.

Kohlmayer, Rainer (2015): "Die Stimme im Text als tertium comparationis beim Literaturübersetzen", in: Stolze, Radegundis et al. (2015): Translational Hermeneutics: The First Symposium. Zeta Books: Budapest, S. 235 - 257.

Streit über Lemprière‘s Wörterbuch (1992-1993), dokumentiert in der Sondernummer von Der Übersetzer Nr. 2/1993, download: (https://literaturuebersetzer.de/site/assets/files/1113/der-uebersetzer-sondernummer-lempriere.pdf).

Kroeber, Burkhard: Zum Neuübersetzen von Klassikern. (Inputreferat zur Jahrestagung des Schweizer Übersetzerverbands - Bellinzona, 13. Sept. 2013)

Jutta Person: Radiobeitrag im Deutschlandfunk zum Thema Literaturkritik (Gesichtspunkt "Rhythmus").

Additional information:
The course is planned to be partly online (teams) and partly face-to-face.
The planned attendance days are: 15. and 16.06.2022.

Exchange students with excellent language skills (C1 and higher) can be admitted (please contact Dr. Kempa in advance).

Date From To Room Instructors
1 Mon, 27. Nov. 2023 09:40 16:25 N.307 Hörsaal Thomas Kempa
2 Tue, 28. Nov. 2023 09:40 16:25 N.307 Hörsaal Thomas Kempa
3 Th, 30. Nov. 2023 09:40 16:25 N.307 Hörsaal Thomas Kempa
4 Fri, 1. Dec. 2023 09:40 16:25 N.307 Hörsaal Thomas Kempa
Class session overview
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Thomas Kempa