FB07.Incomings Seminar: Life and Death in the Rhine-Main Area, from the Stone Age until the Time of Charlemagne (Online, Bilingual: German – English)


Lehrende/r: Dr. Oliver Dilip Gupte; Johanna Reiss-Gupte M.A.

Veranstaltungsart: online: Seminar

Anzeige im Stundenplan: KulturRheinMain

Semesterwochenstunden: 4

Credits: 6,0

Unterrichtssprache: Mehrsprachig

Min. | Max. Teilnehmerzahl: 3 | 10

Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
The modern Rhine-Main area looks onto a rich history characterized by a multitude of diverse cultures. Its location in the heart of Europe allows us to regard it as a true cultural hub.

This interdisciplinary and primarily archaeological course aims at introducing students of all disciplines to a selection of sites and finds throughout the above mentioned timeline - focusing only on significant historic events - and to the currently main applied methods.

It is open to all exchange students and all students of the JGU and consists of a seminar (2 hrs.) and an obligatory tutorial (2 hrs.). A field trip to some prominent sites in Mainz will be offered towards the end of the course, if possible.

The students will undertake 2 exams, whereby they have the choice between a German and an English version. They will also contribute a short presentation (15 mins.) that will be graded according to the German system. Both exams, which they will have to pass with at least 60% each and the presentation (at least grade/Note 4) are obligatory to receive their credit points (6 ECTS in total).

This course is only suited for advanced students (4 semesters or more) with a minimum B2 language level in German and/or English, or better. Knowledge of the Latin language is of advantage.

You can register for this course per e-mail (see below for details).

Empfohlene Literatur:
! Caution !  Links will only function without additional costs via the JGU network or VPN

C. I. Caesar, De Bello Gallico (Buch 1, Kap.1/Book 1, ch. 1; by November 14th 2022) 

P. C. Tacitus, Germania (Kap. 1-2/ch. 1-2; by November 14th 2022) 

Zusätzliche Informationen:
How to register for the seminar and tutorial (all students):

Send an email to J. Reiss-Gupte, M.A.  jreissma@uni-mainz.de providing the following information:

your first and your last name and your JGU-Matrikelnummer (if you already have one)

your field of study/subject, semester, and your home university’s name

Digitale Lehre:
To be announced.

Datum Von Bis Raum Lehrende/r
1 Mo, 24. Okt. 2022 12:15 13:45 Digital Dr. Oliver Dilip Gupte; Johanna Reiss-Gupte M.A.
2 Fr, 28. Okt. 2022 12:15 13:45 Digital Dr. Oliver Dilip Gupte; Johanna Reiss-Gupte M.A.
3 Mo, 31. Okt. 2022 12:15 13:45 Digital Dr. Oliver Dilip Gupte; Johanna Reiss-Gupte M.A.
4 Fr, 4. Nov. 2022 12:15 13:45 Digital Dr. Oliver Dilip Gupte; Johanna Reiss-Gupte M.A.
5 Mo, 7. Nov. 2022 12:15 13:45 Digital Dr. Oliver Dilip Gupte; Johanna Reiss-Gupte M.A.
6 Fr, 11. Nov. 2022 12:15 13:45 Digital Dr. Oliver Dilip Gupte; Johanna Reiss-Gupte M.A.
7 Mo, 14. Nov. 2022 12:15 13:45 Digital Dr. Oliver Dilip Gupte; Johanna Reiss-Gupte M.A.
8 Fr, 18. Nov. 2022 12:15 13:45 Digital Dr. Oliver Dilip Gupte; Johanna Reiss-Gupte M.A.
9 Mo, 21. Nov. 2022 12:15 13:45 Digital Dr. Oliver Dilip Gupte; Johanna Reiss-Gupte M.A.
10 Fr, 25. Nov. 2022 12:15 13:45 Digital Dr. Oliver Dilip Gupte; Johanna Reiss-Gupte M.A.
11 Mo, 28. Nov. 2022 12:15 13:45 Digital Dr. Oliver Dilip Gupte; Johanna Reiss-Gupte M.A.
12 Fr, 2. Dez. 2022 12:15 13:45 Digital Dr. Oliver Dilip Gupte; Johanna Reiss-Gupte M.A.
13 Mo, 5. Dez. 2022 12:15 13:45 Digital Dr. Oliver Dilip Gupte; Johanna Reiss-Gupte M.A.
14 Fr, 9. Dez. 2022 12:15 13:45 Digital Dr. Oliver Dilip Gupte; Johanna Reiss-Gupte M.A.
15 Mo, 12. Dez. 2022 12:15 13:45 Digital Dr. Oliver Dilip Gupte; Johanna Reiss-Gupte M.A.
16 Fr, 16. Dez. 2022 12:15 13:45 Digital Dr. Oliver Dilip Gupte; Johanna Reiss-Gupte M.A.
17 Mo, 19. Dez. 2022 12:15 13:45 Digital Dr. Oliver Dilip Gupte; Johanna Reiss-Gupte M.A.
18 Fr, 23. Dez. 2022 12:15 13:45 Digital Dr. Oliver Dilip Gupte; Johanna Reiss-Gupte M.A.
19 Mo, 9. Jan. 2023 12:15 13:45 Digital Dr. Oliver Dilip Gupte; Johanna Reiss-Gupte M.A.
20 Fr, 13. Jan. 2023 12:15 13:45 Digital Dr. Oliver Dilip Gupte; Johanna Reiss-Gupte M.A.
21 Mo, 16. Jan. 2023 12:15 13:45 Digital Dr. Oliver Dilip Gupte; Johanna Reiss-Gupte M.A.
22 Fr, 20. Jan. 2023 12:15 13:45 Digital Dr. Oliver Dilip Gupte; Johanna Reiss-Gupte M.A.
23 Mo, 23. Jan. 2023 12:15 13:45 Digital Dr. Oliver Dilip Gupte; Johanna Reiss-Gupte M.A.
24 Fr, 27. Jan. 2023 12:15 13:45 Digital Dr. Oliver Dilip Gupte; Johanna Reiss-Gupte M.A.
25 Mo, 30. Jan. 2023 12:15 13:45 Digital Dr. Oliver Dilip Gupte; Johanna Reiss-Gupte M.A.
26 Fr, 3. Feb. 2023 12:15 13:45 Digital Dr. Oliver Dilip Gupte; Johanna Reiss-Gupte M.A.
27 Mo, 6. Feb. 2023 12:15 13:45 Digital Dr. Oliver Dilip Gupte; Johanna Reiss-Gupte M.A.
28 Fr, 10. Feb. 2023 12:15 13:45 Digital Dr. Oliver Dilip Gupte; Johanna Reiss-Gupte M.A.
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Dr. Oliver Dilip Gupte
Johanna Reiss-Gupte M.A.